I have learnt about seizures that I had not seen, and information to gather before a child accesses our service. Information imparted will help to make our role easier and promote safety.

- Senior Support Worker - Mencap

Epilepsy Awareness & Seizure Management - Full Day

Duration: This six hour course will enable in-depth discussion and workshops where we can link theory to practice.

Delegates will recognise and have confidence to support people experiencing different seizure types safely with dignity, and recognise the emergency situation and act as appropriate.

This training will explore and promote a greater understanding of risk assessment, as well as the ability to assimilate this information to individual environment and service user group. We will facilitate best practice and ensure that all will have the practical skills and knowledge to provide a safe, effective environment for people with epilepsy.

Delegates will enhance their understanding of the psychosocial impact of epilepsy upon the individual and their families thus promoting a more holistic approach and opportunity to offer greater support and reflective practice.

Delegates: Those who work with or have contact with Adults or Children.

Sample Course Content:

  • Defining epilepsy and some facts
  • Epilepsy and Learning Disability
  • Causes and diagnosis
  • Classification and management of seizures with supportive DVD footage
  • First Aid
  • Triggers for seizures
  • Observing and recording
  • Epilepsy support plan/risk assessments
  • The emergency situation-Status Epilepticus
  • Epilepsy and mortality, Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)
  • Anti-epileptic drug therapy
  • Other treatments / complementary therapies
  • Psychosocial implications of epilepsy
  • Group specific scenarios workshop
  • Safety in the home and leisure
  • Discussion and evaluations

For more information about this course and to discuss your requirements call us on 01939 236383 or via our contact form.